Tuesday 5 November 2013


For sand animation staging is an important factor wen presenting this animation. Here we used the camera on the tripod to keep it still and show the pictures clearer. Using multiple frames when making the video flow as every movement progresses the story and so with more frames came more realism. 


For the pixillation video we used three people to show an illusion and perception. Pixelation involves multiple shots all together to create a flow-like video. In our video we have put together a small scene at which one person suddenly appears as another person because of the ability of using multiple shots we could make it look like an illusion.

Cars Animation

In this experiment we had to use a tripod to help keep the shot still. The principles used were timing and staging, to allow all the cars to be seen, we put them together using about 20 frames. I believe it was a success as the animation worked using the illusion of slowly moving the car using multiple frames to create a fluid video.