Wednesday 14 May 2014

Reebok Analysis

Reebok Advert Analysis

First question: "did you enjoy the technique of the animation ? (stop frame)" 

The responses were all very positive, every single one said that the viewer did indeed enjoy the technique which is very relevant as our whole idea revolved around our technique. This was very relieving feedback to know people found our animation a success as we worried that the technique may fail and ruin the animation. However the answers were not very detailed, so the feedback for me and my group to analyse was more difficult, as we don't know the reasons for these responses and why the group feel this way, apart from the answers 'It made the brand feel like a superior product.' and 'I thought it was really effective.' Next time I create a questionnaire I will ask "why?" to gain a more more detailed responses on which we can reflect upon, so now next time we will know what we need to work on when we next get a chance to create an advert or film.

Second question: "do you feel it represented Reebok well"

The response feedback gave more detail to work and analyse from, the comments "It shows the history well.", "I found out about the history" and "It's an established brand and it felt very popular in the advert." are all very positive feedback, and I now know that the timeline of the products history was portrayed successfully to the audience and was easy to follow, however this does not answer the question we asked fully, as the representation of reebok has not been identified and reflected. The other comments also say 'YES' which shows that people feel positive about the representation of reebok. I have already noticed that most people in the group that were answering the questions only give one word answers. I should in the future create a questionnaire that will include multiple choice questions with a 'Why? box' or an extra comment space so they can elaborate. 

Third Question: Detailed responses were given for this question, and really helped when analysing the advert trying to see what the audience sees. Here the constructive criticism really helped and showed our issues and what we should improved on next  time. The responses showed that we should have spent more time and effort editing the advert more than anything, as a comments show the music was "a little jumpy" and that the transitions did not always "bond well with the overall scene." Another thing that I noticed, and will definitely improve when I start filming again will be the lighting.

Overall these comments helped the most when analysing and evaluating the advert, this was done it great detail compared to the other responses in the other questions. The group show what they think we should improve on next time, however I would put an extra 'Why?' box in, as I would of liked to know how they felt about the advert, this would also give better detail to the responses. I found that the lines when moving the object, as well as the transitions needed to be straighter and therefore smoother, this could have been achieved through the use of better materials, as we felt that paper tended to be difficult as it was very hard to keep still.

As you can see, most of the results from the questionnaire are positive ones, but there is definitely room for improvement, like cleaning up transitions from scene to scene including the music and moving the paper more precisely. These comments are very important to us, seeing as we created the advert-I may not be able to interpret the advert like how others do, so this task was crucial in finding out what my peers thought and how they interpreted the final piece, and if I had the chance to improve the piece I would definitely go on my their opinions based on their feedback.