Wednesday 23 October 2013

Mouth cut out analysis

Animation Analysis

For our animation, we were tasked with having to make an animation with our mouth cut outs. We had to create a drawn out character, and use different mouth cut outs to create the illusion of a flowing scene where the mouth looks as if words are protruding from it.

Stage1: Draw the character or object for the animation
Stage2: Chose and plan the cut out for the mouth, to make the words link with the shapes of the mouth        to create the illusion that the character is speaking.
Stage3: Take individual photos of each of the mouth shapes.
Stage4: Upload the photos up and put them onto final cut pro. Now they are in video form it should look something like the clip above.

Personal Analysis

What went well: How we managed to produce a clip that looks as if the mouth and the voice are paired together. Although the clip is short I believe it is a success.

What could have been improved: If we had been provided with more time, the clip could be longer and have more character too it.

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